Planning an Effective Intervention
Today, there are more than 22 million people who are battling substance use disorders, but only a fraction of these will seek help at an addiction rehab center. The fact is, many people don’t want to stop abusing drugs and alcohol. Others may minimize their alcohol or drug abuse problem, or they may deny they have an addiction or believe they can control their drinking or alcohol abuse. Watching loved ones live with an alcohol or drug addiction can be tremendously hard. As outsiders, it’s often easy to see how loved ones’ physical and mental health are impacted by alcohol and drugs. We see when behaviors become dysfunctional and the toll that addiction can take on their finances and other important aspects of their life.
Some addiction treatment centers like Magnolia Recovery of LA can provide help with an effective intervention. If you believe your loved one needs to enroll in substance abuse treatment, an intervention may be the step that leads them to seek professional help.
An intervention is a formal meeting when family members come together in an attempt to convince their loved one to enter alcohol or drug rehab. These meetings may be guided by a trained intervention specialist or by the family. There are various methods for staging an intervention. By meeting with an intervention specialist, you can get help planning your intervention. The following intervention do’s and dont’s can help you stage an effective intervention.
Addiction Intervention Do’s
Create a Plan: Don’t ‘wing’ an intervention. Take time to plan it out carefully. Discuss the plan with other participants before you confront your loved one. To stage an effective intervention, a good plan that addresses what each of you will say to your loved one is crucial.
State Facts: Make a list of the facts that underline your loved one’s addictive behaviors. Emphasize how these behaviors are eroding their health and overall wellbeing.
Show You Care: An intervention can quickly turn into a blame session. The goal of an intervention isn’t to make your loved one feel guilty but, rather, to recognize that their drinking or drug use has reached a stage that demands treatment. Let them know you care about them and are putting their interests first.
Intervention Don’ts
Avoid Judgment: Rehab isn’t a punishment. It’s a solution. Judging your loved one for a condition they’re struggling with often isn’t helpful. Try to be encouraging; stick to the facts of their behavior and how addiction treatment can help.
Don’t Argue: An intervention isn’t an argument session. It’s meant to allow each participant a say in why they believe their loved one should enter a rehab treatment program. Do your utmost to remain calm and to keep your meeting plan on track.
Don’t Negotiate or Entertain Excuses: The point of an intervention is to encourage your loved one to enter treatment right away. That’s the goal. It’s not the time for negotiations or for listening to excuses. Let your loved one know that what you’re interested in is not their alternative suggestions or reasons for not going; you need a yes or a no. If it’s yes, don’t let them wait. Offer to take them right away.