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Top Rated Prescription Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

RX Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Millions of Americans suffer from prescription drug abuse: about 6% of the population or a little over 16 million people. Nearly half of Americans are on prescription drugs, and of those that abuse them by taking too many and for too long, about 12% will go on to be addicted. In other words, if you’re worried that you or your loved one is hooked on prescription meds, you’re not alone.

And the good news is that prescription drug abuse and addiction can be treated. There are evidence-based therapies that can help you kick the habit for good, and recovery groups that will help you maintain your recovery over the long term. Many people who are addicted to prescription drugs need help to stop, which is where rehab comes in.

What Is RX Rehab Like?

The full continuum of care includes detox, inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment. Not everyone needs all the levels of care, and those who don’t have a long or heavy history with prescription meds may be able to get help just with outpatient rehab. 

However, depending on the drug and if you have a more serious “career” in prescription drugs, you may need the help of all three to ensure that you have a solid foundation for sobriety before you leave treatment. You might also choose to go to sober living after rehab for extra support.

Medical detox is often necessary for some prescription meds because stopping them suddenly can lead to life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Others may cause such strong cravings that you’re likely to relapse unless you’re in a supervised facility. 

You may need to stay at a residential facility 24/7 for the duration of the program, especially if you need medical detox, to be successful in sobriety. Inpatient rehab is a more intensive treatment in a safe, trigger-free setting with staff dedicated to your recovery. It’s designed to help you stay far away from the people, places, and things that you associate with using so you can focus on your sobriety work.

While you attend inpatient rehab, you’ll be in an environment of others just like you who are trying to get clean and sober. A sober community is critical not just for stopping drug and alcohol use, but for relapse prevention as well. 

In many inpatient rehabs, both mornings and afternoons are set aside for therapy. This usually takes place in both group and individual settings. You eat meals together at specific times of the day. After dinner, you’ll have time for hobbies, games, and other fun activities. Many rehabs have fitness facilities since exercise is vital for both physical and emotional health.

The next level of care is outpatient rehab, and some former addicts can get and stay sober with the help of outpatient rehab and don’t need to go to inpatient. This type of care allows you to go home (or to sober living) each night, while still receiving therapy and building an aftercare plan. 

Partial hospitalization programs are most similar to inpatient care with 25-30 hours a week of treatment. That takes most of the day each weekday, with plenty of structure during the day to help you lay down a solid recovery foundation.

Less intensive outpatient rehab occurs for nine to ten hours weekly, typically after work or school and on the weekends. While you’ll still receive therapy, often in a group setting, you’ll be focusing on your transition out of treatment.

What To Expect During RX Rehab

When you arrive at rehab, you’ll be assessed by the clinical staff. They may run some tests, and they’ll ask about your drug use history and any mental health conditions in your family. Addiction often comes hand in hand with mental health conditions like depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Not only that, but it’s very common for someone with a substance use disorder to have a history of drug and alcohol addiction in their family. 

It’s critical for anyone with a mental health issue to get sober first because you can’t treat it while you’re still on prescription drugs. Even if you don’t know whether you have a co-occurring mental health disorder, you could receive a dual diagnosis while you’re in rehab. 

At RX rehab you’ll come to understand why you started using drugs and alcohol in the first place. There are many reasons, including trying to medicate a mental health problem like depression, or as a result of the trauma experienced as a child or adult (or both). Therapy will help you get to the root of the problem and then work through it so you no longer have to abuse meds to get over it.

Evidence-based therapies known to work for both mental health and prescription drug use disorders include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). CBT helps you identify problematic thoughts and reframe them with ones that are more helpful and support your recovery. DBT is similar, but focuses more on your feelings and often uses mindfulness techniques too.

Therapy is both in an individual setting and group. Group sessions help you improve your communication and problem-solving skills, as well as make sure you don’t feel so alone since everyone else is going through something similar. 

Most treatment centers also offer family therapy. You may have been enabled in your RX drug use by members of your family, and they’ll learn how they contributed to the disease, and what they can do going forward to support your recovery and not the addiction.

In addition to therapy, you’ll likely attend some classes on things like stress relaxation techniques and anger management. You’ll learn the life skills you need to handle whatever life throws at you in the future without having to resort to prescriptions. 

How Long Does RX Rehab in Los Angeles last?

The length of your treatment depends on several factors, and a major one is your history of taking prescription meds. As a general rule, the longer you’ve been using them other than as prescribed, the longer you’ll need to stay in rehab to make sure that your healthy habits stick when you’re out of treatment. 

If you’ve been newly diagnosed with a mental health condition, you may also need a longer stay so you can better manage it. Whatever the duration of your program, you’ll plan for aftercare so that you don’t relapse after you leave treatment.

For some former RX drug users, a month-long rehab is all they need. It can be a good starting point if you’ve been feeling resistant to the idea of going to rehab or you’re worried about what will happen to your family or other loved ones if you have a longer stay. A 30-day program lets you clear your head and detox your mind and body, as well as practice healthy habits you can use outside of rehab.

However, you may need a longer stay in treatment beyond a month. A 60-day stay gives you extra time to work on your issues, strengthen your coping skills, and shore up new healthy habits. Yet the three-month program is best for many former prescription med users because these treatments have a higher success rate than shorter stays. A longer period in treatment often helps you be more successful in preventing relapse.

Top Abused Prescription Drugs

Some medications are well known for their addictive properties, which makes them particularly likely to be abused. Here are some of the RX drugs that you might recognize in your use history.

  • Stimulants

These are typically used to treat ADD and ADHD and similar disorders.

  • Amphetamines such as Dexedrine and Adderall
  • Methylphenidate, often sold as Ritalin
  • Opioids and Opiates

Most of these meds are used to treat pain, and ideally would only be taken for a short time to lessen the risk of addiction.

  • Codeine
  • Fentanyl
  • Hydrocodone, often sold as Valium or Lortab
  • Methadone, which is usually prescribed to help heroin and other opioid users stop using
  • Morphine
  • Oxycodone, usually sold as Oxycontin or Percodan/Percocet
  • Oxymorphone, under the brand name Dilaudid
  • Propoxyphene, usually sold as Darvon or Demerol
  • Other compounds
    • Dextromethorphan (DXM), found in cough medicine
  • Depressants

These types of drugs may be used as sedatives or anxiety-reducing drugs

  • Barbiturates, used as sedatives and sold as Nembutal or Seconal
  • Benzodiazepines (benzos), used for anxiety in drugs such as Ativan, Valium, Xanax, or Klonopin
  • Sleep meds, typically sold as Ambien, Sonata, or Lunesta

Why Choose Magnolia Recovery For RX Rehab

If you need to stop abusing prescription meds so you can have the life you want, Magnolia could be the right solution. Our staff cares about your recovery and wants to help you succeed in your recovery. We personalize your care so you get the best of evidence-based therapy as well as nutrition, fitness, and family services. 

Why delay the healthy and fulfilling life that you both want and deserve? Contact us to get started right away.


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Magnolia Recovery… A Special Place to Learn and Heal

(818) 431-2224

Magnolia Recovery… A Special Place to Learn and Heal

(818) 431-2224
Medical Disclaimer: Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. Before making any decisions on your physical or mental health, please consult your doctor. The staff at Magnolia Recovery Center will work with our patients on a custom diagnosis and care plan. Specific medical advice will be provided to our patients while in our care.